Dr. Oleg recognized for his work serving holocaust victims in need

Dr. Oleg is honored to be among one of the 25 local oral health professionals acknowledged for providing free dental care to Holocaust victims in need. Dr. Oleg’s work is part of a program created by Henry Schein in partnership with the Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity’s Seattle chapter to better serve Holocaust victims. You […]

Our favorite family recipes to try this thanksgiving

Recipes to Try If you’re in charge of hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year or even if you just need to bring a dish, then you’ve come to the right place! We’ve compiled our team’s favorite family recipes they believe are the key to a successful Thanksgiving feast. Here are our top choices that will hopefully […]

Dr. Oleg heads to Washington D.C.

We have some exciting new to share! Dr. Oleg was elected by his colleagues to serve as a delegate at the American Dental Association’s 156th Annual House of Delegates meeting in Washington D.C. this November. Dr. Oleg is the youngest delegate ever elected to represent Washington State on behalf of the Washington State Dental Association. […]

Year-end insurance reminder

Dr. Oleg Shvartsur and Dr. Nikole Young, as well as our team at Dr. Oleg and Dr. Young, would like to give those patients with flex spend, health savings, or insurance benefits a friendly end of the year reminder that it’s high time to schedule your dental visits so you optimize your benefit. Now is […]