Getting to Know Taylor

We’re continuing on with our monthly installment of our ‘Team Q&A Blog Series’.  For July, we’d like to introduce you to one of our favorite patient care coordinators, Taylor.

Q: What made you decide to start a career in the dental field?

A: I’ve always been fascinated by the human mouth – I find teeth so intriguing! There are so many aspects that go into caring for your teeth and dental treatment. Because of this, a career in this industry has so many opportunities to learn and grow!

Q: What’s your favorite part about your job?

A: Having a blast with my colleagues every day and interacting with our awesome patients.

Q: What’s your favorite vacation spot and why?

A: Hawaii, for the beach, sun and RELAXATION!

Q: Do you have a favorite book or TV series you’re enjoying right now?

A: The longstanding Grey’s Anatomy.

Q: What are your favorite hobbies outside of the office?

A: I love physical activities like running and hiking. But, I also can’t pass up a good day of shopping.

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