Meet Andrea, Hygiene Assistant

Q: When did you know you wanted to be a hygiene assistant?

A: I always had an interest in dentistry and knew early on that it was my passion. So, when I saw there was a position open at Dr. Oleg and Dr. Nikole’s practice, I knew I had to jump on the opportunity!

Q: What’s your favorite part about your job?

A: I love that I’m constantly learning. Things are always busy and there is no such thing as a dull work day in my world.

Q: On to the personal stuff, what is a hidden talent or fun fact that people wouldn’t expect about you?

A: Those who know me well get to reap the benefits of my skills as a past barista. I can make any type of specialty coffee drink!

Q: What’s your favorite vacation spot and why?

A: Maui! My family and I travel here at least once a year. It’s so relaxing and beautiful.

Q: Do you have a favorite book or TV series you’re enjoying right now?

A: Orange is the New Black. How can you not love that show?

Q: What are your favorite hobbies outside of the office?

A: I enjoy a good day of shopping. But, on a more adventurous note, I also love playing volleyball and spending time out four-wheeling.

Q: What’s the one thing you wish patients knew about you?

A: Ironically, I actually used to be afraid of the dentist. But, I spent time asking questions during my bi-annual visits and learning more about what everyone does in a dental practice. Not only did this help me quickly realize that there really wasn’t a need to be afraid of the dentist, but I also found my passion for this career path.

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