We have some exciting new to share! Dr. Oleg was elected by his colleagues to serve as a delegate at the American Dental Association’s 156th Annual House of Delegates meeting in Washington D.C. this November.
Dr. Oleg is the youngest delegate ever elected to represent Washington State on behalf of the Washington State Dental Association. The meeting will serve as an opportunity to openly discuss and vote on resolutions, policies and governance issues that will impact the industry, and most importantly, our patients.
Below you will find a copy of the press announcement for full details. We’re excited to see the great things Dr. Oleg can accomplish at this year’s meeting!
Dr. Oleg Shvartsur to Serve as Delegate and Voting Member on Behalf of the WSDA in Washington D.C.
ISSAQUAH, Wash. (October 27, 2015) – The Issaquah-based dental practice of Dr. Oleg Shvartsur and wife, Dr. Nikole Young Shvartsur, is thrilled to announce that Dr. Oleg Shvartsur was elected by his colleagues to serve as a delegate and voting member on behalf of the Washington State Dental Association (WSDA) at the American Dental Association’s 156TH Annual House of Delegates meeting in Washington D.C.. Dr. Oleg Shvartsur is the youngest delegate ever to be elected by the WSDA.
“It is such an honor to represent the dentists in the state of Washington at this national delegation. I’m humbled by both the nomination and election by my peers,” said Shvartsur. “The field of dentistry is rapidly changing. I’m excited to be a part of that change and make a real impact in the decisions that will direct the future of the industry.”
Dr. Oleg Shvartsur will be one of the 12 delegates the WSDA sends to represent and vote on behalf of the Association. Here, they will collectively have the opportunity to discuss resolutions, policies and governance issues related to the American Dental Association House of Delegates.
“This meeting is incredibly significant as it gives us a voice in how we believe, as dentists, the profession should progress to protect the public and the providers that care for them. It is my personal agenda that we vote on decisions that will ensure patient care is always the top priority. It’s extremely important to me that I have a direct impact in accomplishing this goal,” said Shvartsur.
As the leading authority in the American Dental Association (ADA), the House of Delegates speak for nearly 160,000 of its dentist members and on behalf of the dental profession across the United States. The 480 members of the House of Delegates are selected by the constituent societies, federal dental services, and the American Student Dental Association.
This year’s meeting will take place on Friday, November 6, 2015 through Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington D.C.
You can learn more about the House of Delegates at: http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/leadership-governance/house-of-delegates