A new month means a new installment of our ‘Team Q&A Blog Series’! This month we interviewed our wonderful team member Ashley! Here’s what she had to share…
Ashley, Receptionist
Q: When did you know you wanted to be a receptionist?
A: I love working with people! I wanted a job where I could interact with people on a regular basis while doing administrative work.
Q: What’s your favorite part about your job?
A: Working with great people, and being busy!
Q: On to the personal stuff, what is a hidden talent or fun fact that people wouldn’t expect about you?
A: I know all the secrets about Disneyland, and know hidden locations throughout Disney.
Q: What’s your favorite vacation spot and why?
A: Disneyland.
Q: Do you have a favorite book or TV series you’re enjoying right now?
A: Grey’s Anatomy and One Tree Hill.
Q: What are your favorite hobbies outside of the office?
A: Working out, spending time with my fiancé, puppy, family and friends. Also shopping!
Q: What’s the one thing you wish patients knew about you?
A: I would live in California if my fiancé would be on board with moving. 🙂