Getting to Know Monique

Are you ready for a new installment of our ‘Team Q&A Blog Series’?!  This month we interviewed our expanded function dental auxiliary (EFDA), Monique. Here’s what she had to share…

 Monique, Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary

 Q: When did you know you wanted to be a dental assistant?

A: Ever since high school, I knew I wanted to get involved in dentistry. I originally had planned to be a hygienist, but I tried dental assisting and absolutely fell in love with it. I can’t imagine doing anything else.

Q: What’s your favorite part about your job?

A: By far the best part of my job is interacting with patients and getting to know them. When a patient has completed their treatment and they walk out the door with a smile, it’s just another reminder of why I love this job so much.

Q: On to the personal stuff, what is a hidden talent or fun fact that people wouldn’t expect about you?

A: A fun fact is that I play classical piano music.

Q: What’s your favorite vacation spot and why?

A: Definitely North Shore, Hawaii. It’s absolute paradise!

Q: Do you have a favorite book or TV series you’re enjoying right now?

A: I love The Sopranos.

Q: What are your favorite hobbies outside of the office?

A: I’m big into physical fitness. My favorite activities are running, hiking, swimming and hot yoga.

Q: What’s the one thing you wish patients knew about you?

A: I hope people know how much I really love what I do. I’m truly passionate about helping patients feel at home and letting them know they are in good hands the minute they walk in the door of our practice.

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