Coronavirus (COVID-19)

An Important Message to Our Patients
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
A Message from our CEO and Founder on assuring your safety at 425 Dental.

To the 425 Dental Community,


425 Dental continues to remain dedicated to the health and safety of our patients, team members, families, and friends – no matter what. As such, we continue to require that all patients, visitors and staff wear masks in our office, regardless of their vaccination status.


This effort is backed by the Seattle & King County Department of Public Health, which announced that a well-fitted mask must be worn by everyone aged 5 or older in healthcare settings and hospitals across King County. Our stance is also supported by both the CDC and ADA guidelines for public health, which both acknowledge that many people are still at a higher risk for contracting COVID-19. Though Governor Inslee released a proclamation that masks are no longer required indoors or outdoors for vaccinated individuals, this proclamation does not apply to healthcare settings, including dental offices.


Simply put, if you enter without a mask and refuse to put one on, we will reschedule your appointment later in the future.

Please take the time to review our full list protocols, which are still in effect, prior to your next appointment:

When coming into the office, a team member will ask you this series of questions to assess your risk level of exposure to COVID-19:


  • Have you had a fever or felt feverish over the last 1-2 weeks?
  • Are you having shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?
  • Do you have a cough?
  • Do you have any other flu-like symptoms, such as gastrointestinal upset, headache, or fatigue?
  • Have you recently experienced loss of taste or smell?
  • Have you been in contact or close proximity with any confirmed COVID-19 positive patients?


Based on your answers to these questions, our team will determine if it is safe to continue with your treatment as planned, or if postponing your appointment is the wiser decision. If you begin to notice any of these issues prior to your appointment, please call/email us and we can discuss your dental needs and, if necessary, arrange a FaceTime or phone discussion about your situation with our doctors to help find a solution.


  • If you are coming to the office, we will be checking your temperature prior to providing any dental treatment using a temporal thermometer. Anyone with a temperature over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or deemed to be high risk will be asked to leave and will be rescheduled at least three weeks later.


  • We are now allowing our lobby to be seated at full capacity. Please let the receptionist know that you are ready for your appointment by either calling/texting 425-392-4600 from the lobby. Please maintain a safe distance from others by standing on indicated X markings.


  • Upon entering our office, all patients will be required to apply hand sanitizer that will be provided by 425 Dental. You are also required to wear a mask when entering our office – if you do not have one, a sterile one-time use surgical mask will be provided.


  • Plexiglass shields will be found where applicable to reduce unnecessary physical interaction between patients and front office staff.


  • Any guests that accompany patients to their appointments will be asked to wait outside of the office. Exceptions will be made only for children or those who require assistance, and those patients will be limited to one guest.


  • Every surface in our office, including desks, counters, and door handles, are thoroughly sanitized multiple times throughout the day. Each treatment room, as they always have been, is completely sanitized after each and every patient.


  • We will continue accepting payments over the phone in order to reduce unnecessary contact, as well as reduce the amount of time that you need to spend inside of our office.


  • Our clinical staff is equipped with CDC-recommended respirators, in order to ensure safety while patients are being treated. This equipment will be worn prior to entering the treatment room and will not be removed at any time inside the room or until your treatment is completed and you have left. Our front office staff will also be properly equipped with masks during this time.


We appreciate the trust that you have placed in us, to provide you with your dental and oral healthcare. We will continue to keep you updated with any further news or changes, and look forward to seeing you at your next appointment!



Oleg A. Shvartsur, DDS

CEO and Founder

What to Expect Upon Arrival

425 Dental Cares Check In Boxes 06